GainPeace at MAS ICNA 2019 - A Recap

The Annual MAS-ICNA Convention is one of the largest and most diverse Islamic conventions in North America. The convention takes place in Chicago, Illinois every December during the winter holiday season. The number of attendees has successfully grown over the years and has gone from 1,500 in 2001 to a record-breaking 25,000 this past weekend! GainPeace had the pleasure of hosting several Dawah workshops during the duration of the convention, and also had a booth in the bazaar to share our mission and vision with others. This year, our Dawah workshop topics included:
- The Seven Habits of a Highly Effective Da’ee
The often neglected habits which are essential for any person sharing Islam with non-Muslims.
- Roadmap for Dealing with New Muslims
The need for follow-up and provide an effective process to empower and integrate new Muslims into the Muslim ummah.
- A Mock Dawah Booth and Stereotypical Topics
The process of planning and hosting a successful dawah booth in your city
- Top 10 Dawah Projects for Families & Masajid
The guidelines for the families and Masajid in identifying and conducting dawah campaigns
- Answering Searchers of the Truth
The various ways on answering questions about Islam asked by people of other faiths.
- The Pitfalls of Delivering Dawah
Some of the ways to avoid the various pitfalls when sharing Islam with other.
- Giving Dawah in Prison
Muslim inmates are 10-15% of the prison population. Why do Inmates Convert to Islam? What can we can help them during and after their release from prison?
- Methodology of Dawah to an Atheist – Open Dawah Q & A
The guidelines on how to effectively share Islam with an atheist.
GainPeace was able to connect with thousands of Muslims from across the nation, and in some cases, the world. We were able to not only educate fellow Muslims on topics related to Da’wah, but we were able to share our mission of making our services more accessible to people all over America. Check out some videos below from our time at MAS ICNA and be sure to catch us at next year’s convention!