All Project Highlights - 2019 Review
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A review of 2022

GainPeace Project Highlights

Alhamdulillah, through the help of Allah (SWT), GainPeace was able to launch numerous dawah initiatives, reaching out to thousands of our fellow Americans with the beautiful message of Islam. Here are some of of GainPeace's project highlights for 2022.


 Toll-Free HOTLINE

1800+ Calls Received

  • 1-800-662-ISLAM is the GainPeace toll hotline which is advertised on all Da'wah ads

  • Anyone can call and ask questions about Islam to order free Islamic literature

  • Qualified and trained call associates respond to calls and effectively answer questions, clearing misconceptions and conveying the true message Islam


 Direct Mailing of Postcards

20,000+ Direct mail postcards were distributed

Postcards themes: Muslims In America /  What does Islam really teach? / Who was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?

 Packages for Non-Muslims and New Muslims

4890+ Packages Mailed

  • Consists of an English translation of the Quran, a book on the Seerah ‘The Global Messenger,’ book – Top 50 Questions about Islam and available booklets about Islam, brochures about Islam, Hijabs for sisters, kufi for brothers and prayer mats.


3 Billboards

  • Racism - Islam Prohibits Racism

  • My Hijab My Rights – Respect, Honor and Strength

  • Muslim Love Jesus (Peace be upon him)

 Dawah Booths

25 Dawah Booths and 15 Street Dawah

  • Festivals and community events

  • Free Quran, Islamic brochures, CDs, books

  • Over 1500 copies of Quran translations distributed

  • 45,000 brochures on Islam were distributed

  • 20,000 1 min cards distributed by booths

 Dawah Literature

45,000+ Brochures Distributed

One Minute Cards

32,000+ Cards Distributed


 Masjid Open House

35 Open Houses in 2022

  • Colleges, School and people of other faith traditions were hosted

  • Three open houses specific to women

  • GainPeace assisted Masajid to conduct effective open houses

  • 7500 visitors attended open houses

 New Muslim Support Services

205 individuals embraced Islam

  • ‘Welcome to Islam’ packages mailed out to new Muslims

  • Mentorship assistance was provided to many new Muslims

  • 100-day benchmark and two-year programs were created to structure better assistance to new Muslims

  • Three on-site classes and one online class 

  • New Muslims are to take this short anonymous survey which will provide us feedback on their experience as a convert

  • Survey results will be analyzed and shared with Masajid and Islamic centers

  • Masajid will then be trained and certified

  • Resulting in improving converts support programs in America, insha Allah


 Dawah in Prison

1200 Letters from Inmates Processed

  • GainPeace’s ad appears on several prison newsletters, including:

    • American Jail Magazine – for Prison Officers – Goes to 3100 Jail and a readership of 100,000

    • Prison Legal News – reaches 90,000 inmates

    • Prison World News – reaches 10,000 inmates

  • GainPeace is educating inmates in about 40 different states

  • 900 info and Shahada packages were mailed out to inmates in 2019


 Dawah Training Workshops

35 Workshops in 12 Cities

 GainPeace in the Media

GainPeace was covered 25 Times by Major Media outlets

GainPeace has been covered by major news outlets including FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, WGN and NPR

New Muslim/Revert Follow Up

Alhamdulillah, GainPeace held a range of activities to provide adequate follow-up with our Revert brothers and sisters to Islam.  Below is a timeline of such activities:

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Oct. 2022 – About 80 New Muslims joined GainPeace for a conference to discuss some of the challenges and issues faced by Reverts.  The event includes social activities, educational sessions by the Imam of ICN masjid, and then Q and A session with the reverts. This was an all-day session, attended by revert from the Midwest region. 

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Jan 2022 to Present – GainPeace continued its weekly classes to learn the basics of Islam.  These online classes give access to those non-Muslims who live in other cities and states and don’t have access to our in-house courses.

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Jan. 2022 to Present - Weekly Learn Islam classes by GainPeace and ICN at the ICN location.  Students are provided lunch or dinner. Flyer attached.  These classes at in existence for the last three years.

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Feb. 2022 - New Muslim sister's only classes were started in Feb. 2022 MEC Morton Grove. The classes meet twice a month on Saturday mornings at the Morton Grove location. Lunch is often provided after the classes.

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May 2022: The event was held at the ICN Masjid location.  Approximately 90 attended, including their families. The event’s goal was to provide an opportunity for new-Muslims to celebrate Eid with the rest of the Muslim community and help them in the process of integration.  Along with networking and education session the bulk of the program was towards enjoyment, social activities, and food.

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August 2022: The event was held at the ICCI Masjid location.  Approximately 120 attended, including their families. The event’s goal was to provide an opportunity for new-Muslims to celebrate Eid with the rest of the Muslim community and help them in the process of integration.  Along with networking and education session the bulk of the program was towards enjoyment, social activities, and food. 


July to Sept. - Learn Islam classes for reverts with dinner at the ICW Masjid. The curriculum is standard across all the GainPeace classes.  Attendance is about 10-15 individuals in these locations. 

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Sept. 2019: Revert mentorship training. About 20 individuals from various Masjid participated in this event.  The goal is to train mentors from various Masajid who can, in turn, effectively engage with reverts in their Masajid. The event took place at the ICNA Center – GainPeace building in Oakbrook Terrace.


Alhamdulillah, GainPeace, has mailed out 390 Shahada packages to new Muslims around the US.  GainPeace is contacted by Masajid and new Muslims with the request for new Muslim packages.  Each kit contains Quran translation, Seerah book, top 50 questions book, how to pray, how to do wudu, hijab for sisters and a welcome to Islam letter.  The cost per package with shipping is $25.

May Allah (swt) ease our task, purify our intentions and accept all our endeavors…aameen.

If you would like to bring one of these projects to your community, contact us!