Masjid Open House Resource Center
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Masjid Open House Resource Center

Open Houses are one of the most effective means to share the message of Islam with the local community and build bridges with people of other faiths. We have provided many resources that will allow you to plan and execute your own Masjid Open House successfully insha’Allah.   You can get started by downloading and reading a comprehensive A-Z guide to conducting open houses below.  Scroll down to access more resources.


Masjid Open House Resources

Click on a button below to find something specific or scroll down to go through all the resources


Printed flyers are a great way to market your Open House in local community.  These could be distributed at local stores and given personally to their acquaintances by your Muslim community members.

Here are a couple of sample flyer designs to get you started.  You can also download an editable PPT file below to create your own flyer.


One of the main agenda item during the Open House is to give a presentation about Islam. It should cover basics of Islam as well as certain topics that are usually of interest to the attendees.  You can view the accompanying video to see how a presentation is conducted.

We have also created a presentation that you can download below and customize it for your Open House.


 Answering FAQs

Once the presentation of Islam is given to the attendees, a Q&A session is conducted.  We recommend that you create a panel of people that will respond to questions. Include the Masjid Imam, key board members, and also sisters in the panel.

Here is a video containing frequently asked questions (FAQs) along with recommendation on what answers you could give.


 Promotional Videos

More and more organizations are using video as a medium to reach out to their target audience. Creating promotional videos and marketing them using your website, youtube channel, and social media will allow you to reach a wider audience. Here are a few promotional videos that were created for past open houses.


It is a great idea to have a video camera ready and record testimonials from a few of your Open House attendees. It not only provides an instant feedback, but also serves as a motivation for conducting more open houses. Here are a few testimonials recorded from past open houses.

Feedback Form

It is necessary to get feedback from attendees prior to their departure from the open house. Here is a sample feedback form that you can use.

Post Event Follow Up

It is vital to reach out and thank the attendees who have provided their contact information. You can personally hand off a thank you letter or use postal mail, email, or social media to communicate. Make sure you allocate resources for this important task. Here is a sample thank you letter.

Press Release

You should notify the media prior to the event so that they can assign reporters to cover the event. Also it creates an awareness among the media persons about your institution and its objective to reach out to the wider community. Here is a sample press release.

 Media Coverage

After the event, assign a resource to keep in touch with the media representative that were present during the open house and keep track of what news got published. Share the published news through various channels to garner more interest for future events.  You can also have some community members write up about the event and publish it to community sections of different newspapers.

Here is how media covered some of the past open houses:


Literature for Guests

You can get all the literature that you want to give out to open house attendees from GainPeace. We create and print most of the literature that is available in our store. You can purchase literature online. Please visit our store.

Contact Us

We would love to assist you with your Open House initiatives as well as other dawah initiatives. Reach out to us by filling out the form below.